The Boomer Effect Podcast

Can America Survive the Generational Divide? 

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“The Boomer Effect” Podcast is meant to understand not just those generations that came before us – but those who come after us. The intent is to understand our differences and establish common ground. 


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Meet the Boomers

Jerry Smith

Jerry Smith attributes, in great part, his incredible success to the influence of hardworking parents who imparted invaluable life lessons that guided him throughout his career. 40 years of working with multiple generations combined with his upbringing, Smith truly understands the evolution that is The Boomer Effect.

Read Jerry's Story

Rose Unplugged

Rose has a commanding TV and Radio presence and riveting personality. When the red light goes on, so does she. She’s sassy and witty, bringing insight on issues regarding politics, faith, and family values. Through it all Rose welcomes and encourages all generations to the conversation.

Read Rose's Story

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