The Boomer Effect 

generation gap or generational gap is a difference of opinions and outlooks between one generation and another. These differences may relate to beliefs, politics, language, work, demographics and values. The differences between generations can cause misunderstandings, but it is possible for generations to overcome their differences and maintain functional relationships.

Jerry Smith and Rose Unplugged address the growing divide between past and present generations.


“The Boomer Effect” Podcast is meant to understand not just those generations that came before us – but those who come after us. The intent is to understand our differences and establish common ground. 

Introducing “The Boomer Effect”: A Podcast Bridging Generational Divides

Exploring generation perspectives and fostering connections across generations. 

Generational differences and societal shifts are at the forefront of public discourse, shaping perceptions, attitudes, and interactions across diverse demographics. The Boomer Effect Podcast aims to offer a nuanced exploration of these different perspectives and bridge the divide between generations. 

Hosted by industry luminaries Jerry Smith, the founder of JLS Sales Academy, and Rose Tennent, host of Rose Unplugged, The Boomer Effect delves into the experiences and identities of each generation while uncovering common ground and shared values. This offers insights into the trajectory of societal progress and the shaping of collective identities.

The Boomer Effect Podcast boasts an impressive lineup of guests from diverse backgrounds, offering a multifaceted exploration of generational perspectives. From thought leaders and political figures to artists, authors, and entrepreneurs, the podcast features a wide range of voices that contribute to its dynamic and engaging dialogue. Each episode offers actionable takeaways, empowering individuals to navigate the complexities of generational dynamics with empathy and understanding.

The episodes explore the impact of historical events, dissect societal norms, and discuss the changing dynamics of family structures and workplace environments. By tracing the events and movements that have defined each generation, The Boomer Effect Podcast offers a panoramic view of how societal norms and values evolve. This enables listeners to contextualize their own experiences within the broader landscape of generational history, fostering a deeper sense of connection and continuity across age groups.

The Boomer Effect Podcast not only celebrates the wisdom and experiences of older generations but also empowers younger listeners to navigate their unique journey with purpose. Through thoughtful conversations and shared narratives, the podcast promotes intergenerational solidarity and paves the way for meaningful collaborations.

Whether one’s a Baby Boomer reflecting on legacy, a Millennial charting career path, or a Gen Z shaping the future, The Boomer Effect embraces the collective wisdom of the past, present, and future to build bridges across generations and create a positive change in communities and beyond.

“Every generation brings unique experiences and viewpoints to the table. Join us as we explore the diverse perspectives of Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z on The Boomer Effect Podcast,” says Smith.

With its commitment to fostering empathy and connection, The Boomer Effect Podcast aims to leave a lasting impact on its listeners, encouraging them to approach generational differences with curiosity, respect, and an open mind.

The Boomer Effect is available on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Rumble. For more information, please visit